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Monday, June 21, 2010

JingTing's hse, hse warming day - Sunday, 20June // 2213


Jingting's hse today got hse warming!
Its was fun!
I met my cousins cousins.
They were:
She Hui
Wei Hong
Jun Wei

Jun wei was the youngest, 12years old
Played with us!
haha!!! soo FUN!  
Hide-N-Seek tells me tat her hse can hide alot of things if needed.

Let's post some pic! oo

Will post only this two arhh..
Nothin to post liao marhh

Sign Off: YN - Had Fun 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Karate Kid - Tuesday, 15June //

Watched karate kid today!
Its was soo funny and exciting! (Y)
Went in late abit for the show
But dun think missed much
Watched from the flight part

Had a nice day
Joanne was good!
Lovve her dog

Joanne and his day,
I think this is the best currently barh
OO he said that there would be next time
That made her soo excited.
More excited den us ( me and JingRui  )
Hehe! xP

Had a petty nice day!
Tmr my cousins come bak liao. 
But nvm..

Sing Off: YN - spended a niceee dayy! 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Currently addicted to sims3 - Sunday, 13June // 1738hrs

Im currently addicted to sims3..
Thats why i didnt post any thing.. XP
I continued from my LONG LONG 4months ago ytd..
And im currently unable to stop..
But, i just stop! Hehe!  XD

Ytd i slpt at 2am plus... 
Woke up today 7am plus...
Slpt less den 7hrs... HAIYO!
So tired...
But now not le larh,,

Went to kallang airport ( ps duno wats the real name, but this was closest )
To eat breakfast, btw i woke at 7am plus because going eat breakfast 
I ate 2 piece of kaya toast, a cup of sugar canned drink ( ps duno how say )
And a few mouth of my mothers "hae mee"  < prawn noodle
And i was like damn full!

After finished eating.. we were like dun wan to go home yet
So we went to the second lvl to walk around
The shops on top sells FBT!!! ARHH!!!
I bought my curved cut purple FBT!! YAY!!!
I wan buy pink de...
But my mum say dun buy so many..
Today is a damn tiring day!
Thats why i stop sims-ing 

Sign Off: YN - Very tired..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just another day - Thursday, 10June // 1509hrs

Another day...
L8r going to go 800+ to fotocopy my work
I hope the rain stops..

Now currently isnt doing anythin..
Bored leh..

Next wed, 16June,
Going to watch Karate Kid
Before tat, will go eat lunch.
I duno who yet.
Cause some havent confirm..

Another boring day...

Sign Off: YN - being bored

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A link to monkey videos! - Wednesday, 9June // 1648hrs

Because i was bored,
I went finding videos!
And the videos i found was so damn FUNNYY!!!
the most funniest was the monkey one.
Im not sure whether i could post here,
But if u wanna see,
You can go my fb acc and see

Now, i will post the videos
I hoped it could be seen!!

Click To View The Video

Click To View The Video

Click To View The Video

SOO sorry!
Im unable to upload vids..
Your got to go from the link.
Hehe! XP

I wil just end here larh
Nothing so say alr..

Sign Off: YN - Laughed!

Nothing much to say.. - Wednesday, 9June // 1248hrs

Boring day.. Somehow...
A day when i had noo scedule..
No planss...
Dunoo wat to doo.
Not wanting to do workk.

Ytd i slpt at 12plus,
I woke up today at 11pluss!
Soo boring...
This post,
I have been writing for 10mins,
And only written like tat

Im bored of being bored,
So i started to be bored..

Super bored now...
Nothing really to say..
Nothing really to post
Nothing really to do..

Tats all for now!

Sign Off: YN - BOREDD

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wah.. luckyy.. - Tuesday, 8June // 1926hrs

Haha!! Back from that training...
The rain stopped 20mins after we reach
There was no rain, no wind...
But at least there wasnt sun

Running with JingRui was terrible!!
She so fast, i soo slow...

Went to tampines1.
Cause ejin havent had her lunch!
When we were walking to the interchange,
Jas suddenly say dun go near there!
And den i was like wat wat wat.. :O
She told us there was this cheat money guy (ps my eng wasnt good)
She said she was cheated by this guy twice,
Once with JingJie,
Once herself

She said this guy sells one pen for $2
And the pen can be bought 10 for $1
That guy no matter wat u say,
He wouldnt let you go de
Uness you give him $2

We actually wan go play with him de.
The plan was:

JingRui and Ejin go and get near him,
So he would come find you
When its bout 2mins,
Me and Jas will go pull Jr and Ej out from the sit,
By saying bus come alr.
When saying, we would pull dem.
Well, the plan was good.
So after he prayed on his prey,
They two went forward to near him..
He saw dem, and actually wan get near.
He wok to their direction, and wok away..
Den Jas rmb tat after one prey,
He would go away.....
Havent play yet.. hehe!

Ehh.. peeps. those who see this,
Beware of him.
He may not only be in Tampines interchange.
He maybe somewhere else.
Rmb! He sells pens at unreasonable pricing!
So, beware! Hehe!
No matter wat, never pay him money!

Ermm.. Nothin so say anymore!
Hehe!! XD
Please becareful~

Sign Off: YN - Learned something

Schedule of the day - Tuesday, 8June // 1154hrs

Later we have this sports day training..
Its raining now.. i hope it would stop later
Running at 3 - 5 pm..
Isnt it hot?!
Well.. the chairman says it wouldnt...
I hope its the truth!
Hehe :P :B

After that, im not sure where we would be going
But, i noe we wouldnt be doing much things

Quite bored now.. HEHE!
Not noe-ing wat to do..
Want to start my show, but scared later addicted,
And then forgot bout my training :X

Thats all for today~
BTW, always rmb i love purple, not pink! XB

Sign Off: YN - borring!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dunman Sec Fianancial Literacy - Monday, 7June // 2355hrs

Woke up very early, but late-r dan normal school days.. woke at 6.45 am.
It make me get ready within 30 mins which was my first time!
Usually getting ready in 45 mins would be just nice! (Y)
Well, i did get ready within the time though :O
At the inter, there was many ppl.. but at the east loop 293, I was the only person! LOL!!!
Buses and buses went...
And finally 293 came XD!

HEHE!! i shall skip the time until we go into the AVA, which they called AVT

It was cold and freezing inside XB
We were seperated into groups.
First pack of groups would have the amazing race first, the second pack of groups had a financial literacy tok
The tok wasnt boring, but we have very little movement!!

After that, we had light refreshments
The first 15mins, we had to wait for the first pack to finish eating b4 we could go and eat
So, we waited. XP
When it was our turn, we, of course go and eat larh
When all of us had second serving, ZULKAMAL was still having his first serving. HAHA!
After all of us had eaten our second serving, Yazi went for THIRD Serving!

And, its our turn to
go for our amazing race.
Well, the amazing race was fun..
It gives us a chance to tour round the school!
The school's D&T LAB HAS AIRCON!... NO FAIR!!
We did some camp cheer for bonus points when we finish the station early
Its was very fun and stupid :P~

Feels like ending leh... haha!

Sign Off: YN - LAZY!

Editing my blog - Monday, 7June // 2305hrs

Finally done with my blog! WOO~
Got to start makin it ACTIVE