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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Currently addicted to sims3 - Sunday, 13June // 1738hrs

Im currently addicted to sims3..
Thats why i didnt post any thing.. XP
I continued from my LONG LONG 4months ago ytd..
And im currently unable to stop..
But, i just stop! Hehe!  XD

Ytd i slpt at 2am plus... 
Woke up today 7am plus...
Slpt less den 7hrs... HAIYO!
So tired...
But now not le larh,,

Went to kallang airport ( ps duno wats the real name, but this was closest )
To eat breakfast, btw i woke at 7am plus because going eat breakfast 
I ate 2 piece of kaya toast, a cup of sugar canned drink ( ps duno how say )
And a few mouth of my mothers "hae mee"  < prawn noodle
And i was like damn full!

After finished eating.. we were like dun wan to go home yet
So we went to the second lvl to walk around
The shops on top sells FBT!!! ARHH!!!
I bought my curved cut purple FBT!! YAY!!!
I wan buy pink de...
But my mum say dun buy so many..
Today is a damn tiring day!
Thats why i stop sims-ing 

Sign Off: YN - Very tired..

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