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Friday, January 13, 2012

SEC 1 CAMP. Monsters VS Heroes

Yooo!! I went for sec 1 orientation camp on 4 FEB to 6 FEB. Monsters VS Hereos !! The design was designed by charmaine. So cute right??? The EXCOs has another tee in black, the words are in pink. I loveeeee ! Soooo Cute!! Anyway, 90% of the pictures below are taken by me, but not my camera. 

Im freaking short............ At the shoulder only lehh!

Don't know what they trying to do...

The power of FLOUR + WATER

Very SOUR arhh!!

I take de!! OMG loving the picture

Short as always!!!

Matthew: Very hot arhhh!

Guangsheng Feat. My iphone

Wahhh.. like a act cute only!

Senior BDAY. Celebrated with all the sec ones.

Milo Paradise ~

HA!! Not short alreadyyy

Camp EXCO tee~~~


Weee! End of sec 1 camp. Okay most photos are of telematch. Cause only took photos during telematchh! The rest of the times im too busy taking care of the food. Anyway, ALL MY SENIORS SAY I SLEEP WALK AND SLEEP TALK DURING THE SECOND NIGHT. Perhaps im too tired thats why larhhh... :| Then right after the camp, reached home. Immediately fever. 38.8°C.  Den everyone go play. 
I sleep at home T.T

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