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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some stuff and yeah, Stuff. - Sunday, 20 February 2011

Days and days passed.
SYF are nearing.
We have less den 1 month
And.. we are still not up to standard.
Oh my got to work extra harder.
Well, same goes to exams.
TA are minor, but important.
Literature just passed and History is up next.
Dun wish to flunk, but..
Anyway, what ever.

And my previous post, I kinda feel that..
Oh nevermind

Look at my lower lashes:P
Needs eyeliner to touch up

My birthday is nearing, starting to ask people out!
Weet weet~
No more bungy rides this year.
How pity :O
Bye G-MAX & GX-5

This year's celebration is S-P-E-C-I-A-L
Most people, i think, likes to celebrate and end late.
Mines is start very very early and end at 7 :D
Guess what time?
11? no..
10? no..
9? yes :D
Not early enough to counted early?
Well, its very early already!

Im sad that this year i didnt decide to celebrate my birthday with 6k girls.
But i celebrated last year.
So i think this year is four secondary school friends
And i decided to open it to my class, first priority. HAHA! whats this?! JUST KIDDING!
Im inviting as many as posible, but sticking to max of 15.
Cause too many how celebrate. Also not like im opening a birthday party.
We are going on a one day tour~ WEET

My invitations would be out soon! :D
Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Rest assure!
We wont spend alot money, *group ( not including wat u bought on ur own )
It's a max 20-30$ SDG. CHEAP A NOT?! Oh well. i think its ex :P
Actually is u bring 20-30 $ SDG larh. But minimum please bring 20$ SDG
The rest of the balance, u decide urself :) hehe!

Yining here now wishes u a ... a wat?

Sign Off: YN

Saturday, February 19, 2011


It's been so long since I updates
Many things are running through my mind
Money; Friends; Studies;
That's normal.
But mind Friends more den everything.
Everytime I click one random person profile,
I find the things they post are about me.
Why? I has not done my part.
I cared bout myself more then anything.
I dun actually think before doing anything.
I dun think another way round.
To say it sarcastically,
I dun care about my friends.

Why is this happening to me?
I dun get that feeling last year.
Did I change?
I must change back.
Isit.. Isit because of that?
That thing that happened in January,
That changed me completely..

The route I chose was wrong in the first place
I should had just lead normal life...
As normal as a normal being;
Whose unpopular and unnoticeable.
To think of it,
I did really changed..
Whats done is done.
There is no way I can ever go back.
_| ̄|○

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sec 1 camp - Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Before today, i was complaining why was i under CI, Camp instructor
But lower ones, The logistic (duno wats that) and not the real CI.
While all others sec 2 SC, In fact almost all except 4 - 6
Are assistant group leader.

Now. Im quite happy!! :DD
Because before sec 1 camp is sec 2 camp.
Right after.
And i dun wan to be so tired!

Camp for sec 2 is 9 - 11 march.
Sec 1 is 11 and 12.
Weet! skip one day for sec 2.
But no camp fire for sce 2. DD:: (N)
No good!

And the camp tee for CI has a Big CI logo~
SOOO coool!
and only CIs can get the camp tee with collar.
But i wonder i have anot..
Cause CIs are everything,
But Logistic is just one of the group in CI.
I bet only those who are under the main CI and not the group will get the tee with CI
Soo sad...

Ohh. Im still on leave yeah.
Cause today free so bloog.
EH?! i not free larh!
I still have HWs and Term Assesment are near!

Sign Off: YN

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Poor thing me

I will be applying a blog leave :O


will try to come back asap.
The new year pics i'll up asap.
Go me fb see larh :P

Sec two life is officially starting tmr
Cause exam is near!
1 week away only :P

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Weet! CNY - Thursday, 3 February 2011

Ytd had reunion dinner at my xiao shu hse :DD
So Nice the food. :DDD
But i sickk :O Canot eat alot

Today went to da gu hse for brunch
Got abalone but i dun like :P
I prefer Shark fin's Soup.
But how?
Sharks are going to be extinct alrr DD:

Before that, we went to unity to feach my cousin,
Jin hao kor kor ( jun hao )
But hor.. he so damn tall sia D:
My cousin all tall tall de.
Me family just make it only

Anyway, kor next year going NS le.
Going cut botak

Wei guo kor and ailing jie
hmm.. nothing to write.
Happy couple,
Jin hao taller den wei guo, Age diff - 3 to 5 years

Later after dinner...
Bring computer, Iphone and my maths :O
Now going do finish Home ec work,
Cause is internet de.

Bye Bye
Wish you all receives many ang baos :D

Sign Off: YN