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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Weet! CNY - Thursday, 3 February 2011

Ytd had reunion dinner at my xiao shu hse :DD
So Nice the food. :DDD
But i sickk :O Canot eat alot

Today went to da gu hse for brunch
Got abalone but i dun like :P
I prefer Shark fin's Soup.
But how?
Sharks are going to be extinct alrr DD:

Before that, we went to unity to feach my cousin,
Jin hao kor kor ( jun hao )
But hor.. he so damn tall sia D:
My cousin all tall tall de.
Me family just make it only

Anyway, kor next year going NS le.
Going cut botak

Wei guo kor and ailing jie
hmm.. nothing to write.
Happy couple,
Jin hao taller den wei guo, Age diff - 3 to 5 years

Later after dinner...
Bring computer, Iphone and my maths :O
Now going do finish Home ec work,
Cause is internet de.

Bye Bye
Wish you all receives many ang baos :D

Sign Off: YN

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