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Sunday, January 30, 2011

3 more days - Sunday, 30 January 2011

Its 3 more days to reunion dinner! :D
And four more days to Chinese New Year!
Loving loving loving :D

And finally going back to Malaysia, Kangar Perlis
Its like every 2 years or more den have go back..
Cause its a 12hrs car ride,
So it would be one day time to go and come back.
And very long den will 4/5 days holi.
Sometimes 2/3 only D:

Anyway, look at my fish braids :D
Hardwork okay :O
Okay i admit i tried once only.
But at least i tried :P

Love the Second photo's Effect:D
Damn cool!
It camouflaged my white shirt to the white wall :P


Sign Off: YN - :D :D :D

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