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Friday, January 21, 2011

Hey! - Friday, 21 January 2011

Urmm.. Hmmm...
Everytime i dun feel like blogging,
I got alot of things to blog about.
But when i finally set my mind to blog..
Nothing to blog liao.. haiiyoo!!
Yining Arh!!

Hmmm.. anyway.
Me Ejin Liying are celebrating JR's Bdae at her hse
Weet weet!
Finally got the chance to eat her mama's handmade chicken :PPP!!!
And we ordered the cake for her already :D

Expect Pictures k? :D

Ohh Ya!!
Today mrs kho celebrated her daughter's bdae
At the child care centre.
But who ask my cca so late end..
Otherwise can thick face go there and take a piece of cake :P
She left already.

Anyway.. Im still waiting for my geek specs, transparent umbrella and my dear dear onto headphone.
Aiyoyoyo~ need rush them liao D:

Sing Off: YN

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