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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sec 1 Orientation - Thursday, 30 DECEMBER 2010

Trying to put eye lash YTD so easier to put today.

Sec 1 Orientation just now!
See lots of juniors
And next year sec one got alot chinese sehh

Hmmm... no handsome didi
Or pretty meimei next year.
( excluding juniors i noe )

Sad sia...
Modern Dance going to be extinct of boys alr.....
No muscular one.. (big size one)

Okay okay.
You noe just now,
I put make up half way need go sch liao.
Den my left side de fake eye lash havent put properly..
Walk walk walk.. Half way to sch.
Drop out.
Cant find siaa..
So one side got mascara + fake eyelash
The otherside only mascara
One sided Eye lashes

But nevermind larh..
Cause my fringe is left side,
So cannot see clearly
Bought new pair of eye lash!

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