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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Serangoon NEX - Tuesday, 28 DECEMBER 2010

Went to Serangoon NEX today after CCA
Actually going dinner with MDC (modern dance crew/club)
But my mum doesnt allow. Cause far and ex. (cineleisure)
Went with Jiahui and Huimin. But huimin left half way.

The NEX is damn big okay!
I havent even walk half of it and time runs out.
Going there again. HAHA!
Next time go must early early early!!
Jiahui , Me

My umbrella i think i need get no capping de liao.
Must wait so long de... dun like man!
I oso bought ATH300 onto headphone, no capping.
But de wait very very long...
Almost one month.
HMMMMM..hope not scam :P
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Right! thats for today

Sign Off: YN

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