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Monday, July 11, 2011

Biology failure

Weee~ ytd went to IMM!! For? Daiso!! Hehehe!! Daiso is opening in simei already!! Better open a big one! :P

Today in class, before science test, we had a 30mins revision. In our group, we are used to asking each other questions so that we can remember easier. One of my friend asked, how many testes does a guy has. Den I quickly shout out the answer, without thinking, 200-400 MILLIONS.. Epic fail!!! Lolololol!! After saying, I was like.. Ehh??? Den the whole class laugh!! Ohhh myyy!! Second question, how many ovaries does a female has. Den I again without thinking, shout ONE! OMG!! Hahahahaha!! Terrible sia! During test, I kept rewind about this and can't stop laughing!! Ahahahaha!!  Anyway.. Yay!! Blog updated!! Weet weet! Still maintenancing' !!  I like booty bounce by DEV! Haha!  Okayyyy.. Byeee!!

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