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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Definition of Bitch


- noun
• a female dog
• a female canines generally

- slang
• a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, especially woman
• a lewd woman

- slang
• a complaint
• anything difficult or unpleasant: The test was a 'bitch' !

- verb (used without objects)
• Slang. To complain; gripe: They 'bitched' about the service, then about the bill

- verb (used with objects)
• Slang. To spoil; bungle (sometimes fol. by up) : He 'bitched' about this job completely. You really 'bitched' up this math problems

Source : www.dictionary.com

Bitch is from dictionary, but I had never used it. My rule is that I will only scold people with words from a dictionary. I have not been forced to use this word and I don't wish to do so, and for your info, bitch doesn't only have to be used on lady, they can be used on guys too!

Still maintenance-ing
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